الابحاث العلمية

دكتور علي أحمد شفيق


101Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2007) Electromyographic lag time and opening time: two novel non-invosive method to investigate patients with anal outlet obstruction and their response to treatment. J. Invest. Surg.; 20: 307-311………….Read More
102Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) Electromyographic activity of the anterolateral abdominal wall muscles during rectal filling and evacuation. J. Surg. Res.; 143: 364-367………….Read More
103Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) Study of the duodenal contractile activity during antral contractions. World J Gastro 13: 2600-2603………….Read More
104Shafik A, Shafik AA, Wahdan M, El-Sibai O (2007) Duodeno-jejunal junction: a histoanatomical study with the concept of the existence of an ‘anatomical’ sphincter. Surg. Radiol. Anat.; 29: 661-665………….Read More
105Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik AI (2007) The effect of gastric overfilling on the pharyngo-esophageal and lower esophageal sphincter: A possible factor in restricting food intake. Med. Sci. Mont.; 13: 220-224………….Read More
106Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik I (2007) Contraction of Gluteal maximus muscle on increase of the intra-abdominal pressure: role in the fecal continence mechanism Surg. Innov.;14: 270-274………….Read More
107Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik I (2007) Mechanism of gastric emptying through the pyloric sphincter: A human study. Med. Sci. Monit., 13:24-29………….Read More
108Shafik A, El Sibai O, Shafik AI, Shafik AA (2007) Electromyographic activity of the anterolateral abdominal wall muscles during the vesical filling and evacuation. J. Res. Med. Sci.; 12: 74-79………….Read More
109Shafik A, Shafik AI, El Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) Effect of urethral stimulation on vesical contractile activity. Am. J. Med. Sci.; 334: 240-243………….Read More
110Shafik A, Shafik AA, Shafik AI, El Sibai O (2007) Effect of rectal distension on vesical motor activity in humans: the identification of the recto-vesicourethral reflex. J. Spin. Cord. Med. 30: 36-39………….Read More
111Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) Interstitial Cells of Cajal in Tunica Albuginea of the Testicles. Andrology Upadte 1: 9-15
112Shafik A, Mostafa R, Shafik AA, Shafik AI, El-Sibai O (2007) Study of interstitial cells in the penis: Human study. J. Sex Med.; 4: 66-71………….Read More
113Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2007) On the pathogenesis of penile venous leakage: role of the tunica albuginea. BMC Urol.; 7:14…………Read More
114Shafik A, Shafik AI, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) Electrophysiologic activity of the tunica albuginea and corpora cavernosa: possible role of tunica albuginea in the erectile mechanism. J. Sex Med.; 4: 675-679………….Read More
115Shafik A, Shafik IA, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) The effect of external urethral sphincter contraction on the cavernosus muscles and its role in the sexual act. Int. Urol. Nephrol.; 39: 541-546………….Read More
116Shafik A, Shafik AA, Shafik I, El-Sibai O (2007) Physiologic considerations of the morphologic changes of the testicles during erection and ejaculation: A canine study. Urol. Int.;79: 262-266………….Read More
117Shafik A, Shafik IA, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) Electromyographic study of the anterolateral abdominal wall muscles during ejaculation. J. Sex Med.; 1022-1027………….Read More
118Shafik A, Shafik IA, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) Physioanatomical relationship of the external anal sphincter to the bulbocavernosus muscle in the female. Int. Urogynecol. J.; 18: 851-856………….Read More
119Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2007) Electromyographic study of ejaculatory mechanism. Int. J. Androloy; 32(3):212-217………….Read More
120Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2007) Obesity in men: Endocrinology, Spermatogenesis, Infertility and Heredity. Arch Androl Androl Update 1: 18-26
121Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2007) The response of the corporal tissue and cavernosus muscles to urethral stimulation: an effect of penile buffeting of the vaginal introitus. J. Androl.; 28: 853-857………….Read More
122Shafik A, El-Sibai O, ShafikAA. Shafik AI (2007) A novel concept for the surgical anatomy of the perineal body. Dis. Colon Rectum; 50: 2120-2125………….Read More
123Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2008) Inguinal canal dilatation: a novel technique for the repair of failed testicular descend despite hormonal treatment. Am Surg 74: 69-72………….Read More
124Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2008) A study of the effect of straining on the cavernosus muscles: identification of ‘straining –cavernosus reflex’ and its clinical significance. Andrologia 40: 23-28………….Read More
125Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2008) Percutaneous perineal electrostimulation induces erection: clinical significance in patients with spinal cord injured and erectile dysfunction. J Spinal Cord Med 31: 40-43………….Read More
126Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2008) Study of the response of the penile corporal tissue and cavernosus muscles to micturition. BMC Urol 8: 4-9………….Read More
127Shafik A, Shafik AI, El Sibai O, Shafik AA (2008) The anterolateral abdominal wall muscles during vesical filling and evacuation: Electromyographic study. Urology 71: 621-624
128Shafik A, Shafik AI, El Sibai O, Shafik AA (2008) The electromyographic activity of the external and internal urethral sphincters and urinary bladder on vaginal distension and its role in preventing vaginal soiling with urine during sexual intercourse. Arch Gynecol Obstet 277: 213-217………….Read More
129Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2008) Role of pudendal canal syndrome in the pathogenesis of interstitial cystitis and its treatment by pudendal canal decompression. Current Urology 2: 24-29………….Read More
130Shafik AA, Asaad S, Loka MM, Wahdan M, Shafik A (2009) Colosigmoid junction: Morphologic, morphometric and endoscopic study. Clinal Anatomy 22: 243-249………….Read More
131Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2009) Interstitial Cells of Cajal in Tunica Albuginea of the Testicles. Andrology (Book) 215-220
132Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik IA (2009) Effect of severe stress on the gastric motor activity: Canine study of mechanism of action. Am J Med Sci. 337:173-175………….Read More
133Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2009) An Electrophysiologic Study Of Female Ejaculation. J Sex Marital Therapy 35:337-346………….Read More
134Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik IA (2010) Corpora Cavernosa Histological Changes in Testosterone Deficiency. Current Urology 4: 57-61………….Read More
135Shafik AA, Shafik A, Soheir A, Mohamed W (2010) A Study of an Anatomic –Physiological Cecocolonic Sphincter in Humans. Clin. Anat. 23:851-861………….Read More
136Maolin G., Chunfang G., Dawei L., Weiya G., Shafik AA., Andrew PZ., Mario P. (2010) MRI Anatomy of the Anal Region. Dis. Colo. Rect. 53:1542-1548………….Read More
137Shafik A, Shafik AA, Ismail A.Ahmed, Wahdan M, Asaad S, El-Neizamy E (2011): Ileocecal junction: Anatomic, histologic, radiologic and endoscopic studies with special reference to its antireflux mechanism. Surg Radiol Anat. 33:249-256………….Read More
138El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik I (2011): TUNICA ALBUGINEA REEFING: A novel technique for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. J Invest Surg. 24: 44-48………….Read More
139Shafik AA (2013) Autologous Neosphincters and Novel Technologies for Fecal Continence. In: Andrew PZ., Robert DM., Steven DW. (eds.). Reconstructive Surgery of the Rectum, Anus and Perineum. Springer London Heidelberg New York, pp. 373-377………….Read More
140Shafik AA, Shafik I, El-Sibai O (2014): On the Etiology of the Electric Activity of the External Anal and Urethral Sphincters. J Invest Surg. 27:1–6………….Read More
141Shafik AA, Shafik I, El-Sibai O (2014): Combined Partial Fistulectomy and Electro-Cauterization of the Inter sphincteric Tract As A Sphincter-Sparing Treatment of Complex Anal Fistula: Clinical and Functional Outcome. Tech Coloproctology; 18(11):1105-1111………….Read More
142Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik IA (2016): Rectocele repair with stapled transvaginal rectal resection. Tech Coloproctol 2016; 20:207–214………….Read More
143Shafik AA, et al., (2020) International consensus on natural orifice specimen extraction surgery (NOSES) for gastric cancer (2019). Gastroenterol Rep (Oxf), 24: 5-10………….Read More
144Shafik AA, 2020, Pudendal Neuropathy and Pudendal Canal Decompression. In: Lucia Olivira (ed.). Anorectal Physiology: A clinical and Surgical Perspective. Springer Nature Switzerland, pp 369 – 392. …………Read More
52Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2004) Overactive corpus cavernosum: Another cause of erectile dysfunction. Andrologia; 36:378-383………….Read More
53Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik AI (2004) Electrocavernosogram in erectile dysfunction: A diagnostic tool. Arch. Androl.; 50: 317-325………….Read More
54Shafik A, Shafik Ali A, El-Sibai O, Mostafa RM (2004) The effect of straining on the diaphragmatic crura with identification of the straining-crural reflex. The “reflex theory” in gastroesophageal competence: A new concept. BMC Gastroenterology 4: 24-28………….Read More
55Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Mostafa RM, Shafik I (2004) Effect of Straining on the Lower Esophageal Sphincter: Identification of the “Straining-Esophageal Reflex” and Its Role in Gastroesophageal Competence Mechanism. J. Inevt. Surg.; 17:191-196………….Read More
56Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2004) Electroesophagogram in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease with a new Theory on the Pathogenesis of its Electric Changes. BMC Surgery 4: 1-8………….Read More
57Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Ahmed I, Shafik AA (2005) Perineal Rectocele: Perinocele A cause of constipation. Pathogeneses, clinical presentation and treatment. J Pelvic Med & Surg 11: 199-207
58Shafik A, Ahmed I, Shafik AA, El-Ghamrawy TA. El-Sibai O (2005) Surgical anatomy of the perineal muscles and their role in perineal disorders. Anat. Sci. Int. 80: 167-171………….Read More
59Shafik A, Ahmed I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Mostafa R (2005) Study of the rectal electric activity of the uninhibited rectal detrusor (overactive rectum): a new concept of pathogenesis. J. Spinal Cord Med.; 28: 64-68………….Read More
60Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2005) Identification of the location of the colonic pacemaker: a histologic study. Front. Biosci.; 10: 1661-1665………….Read More
61Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2005) Effect of warming on the rectal motile activity: identification of rectal warming reflex. J. Surg. Res.; 130: 34-37………….Read More
62Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2005) Transcutaneous electrocavernosography: a tool for recording the electromyographic activity of the corpora cavernosa. J. Urol., 174:629-631………….Read More
63Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Mostafa R (2005) Effect of Topical Esophageal Acidification on Salivary Secretion: Identification of the mechanism of action. J. Gastro. Hepato., 20: 1935-1939………….Read More
64Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik I (2005) Interstitial cells of Cajal in reflux esophagitis: role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Med. Sci. Monit.; 11: 452-456………….Read More
65Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2005) Physioanatomic study of the diaphragmatic crura: the identification of autonomous “gastroesophageal sphincter”. J. Invest. Surg.; 18:135-142………….Read More
66Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2005) On the Pathogenesis of Gastroesophageal Reflux: The Concept of “gastroesophageal dyssynergia “. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg.; 130:401-407………….Read More
67Shafik A, Shafik AA, Shafik I, El-Sibai O (2005) Urethral sphincters response to cavernosus muscles stimulation with identification of cavernoso-urethral reflex. Arch. Androl.; 51: 335-343………….Read More
68Shafik A, Shafik AA, Shafik I, El-Sibai O (2005) Conjoint corpora cavernosa and its role in erection. Arch. Androl.; 51: 425-430………….Read More
69Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2005) Electric waves recorded from the testicle: are they capsular or from the testicular tissue? Int J Androl 28: 350-354………….Read More
70Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2005) Tunica albuginea overlapping: A novel technique for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Andrologia 37:180-184………….Read More
71Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O (2005) Electric activity of the testicular tunica albuginea during ejaculation: an canine study. Exp. Biol. Med.; 230(8):569-572………….Read More
72Shafik A, Shafik AI, El Sibai O, Shafik AA (2005) Effect of micturition on the external anal sphincter. Identification of the urethra-anal reflex. J. Spinal. Cord. Med.; 28: 421-425………….Read More
73Shafik A, Shafik AI, El Sibai O, Shafik AA (2005) Changes in the urine composition during its passage through the ureter. A concept of urothelial function. Urol. Res.; 33: 426-428………….Read More
74Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Demonstration of a physiologic sphincter at duodeno-jejunal junction. Front. Biosci.; 11:2790-2794………….Read More
75Shafik A, Shafik AI, El Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Does the composition of voided urine reflect that of the renal pelvis? Urol. Res.; 34: 261-264………….Read More
76Shafik A, Shafik AI, El Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Role of the perineal muscles in micturition. Identification of the vesico–perineal reflex. J Pelvic Med Surg 12: 19-24
77Shafik A, Shafik AA, Shafik I, El-Sibai O (2006) The hypoactive corpora cavernosa with degenerative erectile dysfunction: a new syndrome. BMC Urol.; 6:13-20………….Read More
78Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik A (2006) Vaginal and uterine pressure response to semen deposition into the vagina and uterus: human study. Clin. Exp. Obstet. Gynecol.; 33: 107-109………….Read More
79Shafik A, Shafik AI, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Interstitial cells of Cajal in erectile dysfunction. Arch Androl 52: 255-262………….Read More
80Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Effect of external anal sphincter contraction on the ischiocavernosus muscleand its suggested role in the sexual act. J Androl 27:40-44………….Read More
81Shafik A, Shafik I, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O (2006) The cavernoso–anal reflex: response of the anal sphincters to cavernosus muscles’ stimulation. Aian J. Androl. 8: 331-336………….Read More
82Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2006) Role of tunica albuginea in erection: is it a dynamic or static role? Arch Androl 52: 81-86………….Read More
83Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2006) Contractile activity of the prostate at ejaculation : an electrophysiologic study. Urology 67:793-796
84Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Study of the cremasteric muscle during erection: identification of the ‘peno-cremasteric reflex’. Surg. Radiol. Anat.; 28: 569-572………….Read More
85Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Straining-cremasteric reflex: identification of a new reflex and its role during increased intra-abdominal pressure. Surg. Radiol. Anat.; 28: 387-390………….Read More
87Shafik A. El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2006) Corpora cavernosa as an alternative route for transfusion. Front. Biosci.; 11: 2535-2537………….Read More
88Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2006) Cavernosus muscles contraction during erection: Is it voluntary or reflex, given the striated nature of the muscles? J. Androl. 27: 695-706………….Read More
89Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2006) Molecular Andrology as related to Sperm DND fragmentation and sperm chromatin Biotechechnology. Arch Androl 52: 299-310………….Read More
90Shafik A, Shafik AA, El Sibai O, Ahmed I, Mostafa RM (2006) Role of the Rectosigmoidal junction in fecal continence: Concept of the primary continent mechanism. Arch. Surg.; 141:23-26………….Read More
91Shafik A, Mostafa RM, Shafik I, El Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) The Functional activity of the rectum: A conduit organ, a storage organ, or both? World. J. Gastroenterol.; 12: 4549-4552………….Read More
92Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2006) Interstitial Cell of Cajal in Patients with Constipation due to Total Colonic Inertia. J Invest Surg 19: 147-153
93Shafik A, Shafik AA, Ahmed I, El-Sibai O (2006) Study of the role of the transverse perineal muscleus during rectal filling. Int. J. Colorectal. Dis.; 21: 698-704………….Read More
94Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Detection of predefecatory rectosigmoid wave activity for prevention of fecal soiling in infants. Front. Biosience.; 11: 3096-3099………….Read More
95Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Effect of straining on the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. identification of the ‘straining-abdominal wall reflex’. Front. Biosci. 11: 2174-2178………….Read More
96Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) The ‘‘Opening Time’’ and ‘‘Pelvic Floor Electromyographic Lag Time’’: Two Novel Tools in the Assessment of the Anorectal Evacuation Time. J. Invest. Surg,;19: 307-311………….Read More
97Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2007) Effect of Cooling On the Rectal Tone. Eur. Surg. Res.; 39: 291-295………….Read More
98Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2007) Rectal cooling test in the differentiation between constipation due to rectal inertia and anismus. Tech. Coloproctol. 11: 39-43………….Read More
99Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Ahmed I, Shafik AA (2007) Role of sacral ligament clamp in the pudendal neuropathy (pudendal canal syndrome): Results of clamp release. Int. Surg.; 92: 54-59………….Read More
100Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2007) Stress, urge and mixed types of partial fecal incontinence: pathogenesis, clinical presentation, and treatment. Am. Surg.; 73: 6-9………….Read More
1Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2000) Is myoelectric activity transmittable from one muscle to another? An experimental study. Int. J. Surg. Invest.; 2: 165-170………… Read More
2Shafik A, Shafik AA (2000) Electric activity spreads in the colonic longitudinal but not the circular musculature. Role in colonic motility. Front Bio. Sci.; 5: b5-8………… Read More
3Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2000) Rectal pacing in patients with constipation due to rectal inertia: technique and results. Int. J. Colorectal Dis.; 15: 100-104………… Read More
4Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik A, El-Sibai O (2000) the anocavernosal erectile dysfunction syndrome. II. Anal fissure and erectile dysfunction. Int. J. Impot. Res.; 12:279-283………… Read More
5Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2001) Experimental use of the obturator internus muscle as a functioning pelvic floor muscle in dogs. Eur. J. Surg.; 167:782-788………… Read More
6Shafik A, Shafik AA (2001) The ‘Uninhibited Rectum’: A cause of fecal incontinence. J. Spinal Cord Med.; 24: 159-163………… Read More
7Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2001) Study of the mechanism underlying the difference in motility between the large and small intestine: The ” Single” and ” Multiple” pacemaker theory.  Front Bio. Sci.; 6: b 1-5………… Read More
8Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Mostafa RM, Shafik AA (2001) Electric activity of the rectosigmoid canal and its relation to rectal and sigmoid electric activity: An evidence of a sphincteric function of the rectosigmoid canal. Front Biosci. 6: b 6-9………… Read More
9Shafik A, Wahdan MM, Shafik AA (2001) The ileocaecal valve in man: Anatomical, Radiological and Endoscopic studies with special references to its antireflux mechanism. The Egyptian Anatomical Society; 24(1) :279-304
10Ali YA, Shafik AA (2001) Posterior Rectocele: A Study and Evaluation. Egypt J. Surg.; 20: 437-442
11El Sibai O, Shafik AA. (2002) Cauterization – Plication Operation in the Treatment of Complete Rectal Prolapse, Tech Coloproctol.; 6:51-54………… Read More
12Ali YA, Shafik AA (2002) A Study of Rectal Motility: The Normal Pattern of Rectal Evacuation. Kasr El-Aini J. Surg.; 3:41-48
13Shafik AA (2002) Hernia Formation after Laparoscopic Surgery: Report of 4 Cases. Kasr El-Aini J. Surg.; 3:113-116
14Shafik A, El Sibai O, Shafik AA. (2002) Electrophysiologic identification of the location of the colonic pacemakers. A humane study. Front Biosci.; 7: b1-5………… Read More
15Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2002) A novel method for preventing postoperative adhesions in the rat model. J. Gynecologic Surg.; 18: 65-68………… Read More
16Shafik A, Shafik AA, I Ahmed (2002) Role of longitudinal smooth muscle coat in the ileal motile activity: evidence of ileo-ileal inhibitory reflex. J. Gastroenterol Hepatol.; 17:1267-1271………… Read More
17Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2002) Physiological assessment of the function of the ileocecal junction with evidence of ileocecal junction reflexes. Med. Sci. Monit.; 8:CR629-35………… Read More
18Shafik A, Mostafa RM, ShafikAA, El-Sibai O (2002) Study of the effect of straining on the bulbocavernosus muscle with evidence of a straining-bulbocavernosus reflex and its clinical significance. Int. Urogynecol. J.; 13: 294-298………… Read More
19Shafik A, Mostafa RM, Shafik AA (2002) Electrophysiological study of the rectosigmoid canal: Evidence of a rectosigmoid sphincter. J. Anat.; 200: 517-521………… Read More
20Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA(2002) Electrophysiologic identification of the location  of  the  colonic  pacemakers. A human study. Front. in Boisci.; 7: b1-5………… Read More
21Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik IA (2002) The Motor Efficacy of the Artifical Colonic Pacemaker in Colonic Inertia Patients. Front. in Biosci.; 7: b6-13………… Read More
22Shafik A, Shafik AA, Shafik IA (2003) Effect of Colonic Distension on Ileal Motor Activity with Evidence of Coloileal Reflex. J. Gastrointest. Surg.; 7(5):701-705………… Read More
23Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2003) Study of the effect of jejuno-ileal distension on the motor activity of the stomach with evidence of ‘entero-gastric Inhibitory reflex’. Hepatogastroenterology 50: 1966-1969………… Read More
24Shafik A, Mostafa RM, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2003) Study of the functional activity of the cecocolonic junction with identification of a “Physiologic sphincter”, “cecocolonic inhibitory reflex” and ”colocecal excitatory reflex”. Surg. Radiol. Anat.; 25: 16-20………… Read More
25Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Ali YA (2003) Videodefecography: a study of the rectal motile pattern. Surg. Radiol. Anat.; 25: 139-144………… Read More
26Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Mostafa RM (2003) Electric Activity of the Colon in Subjects with Constipation Due to Total Colonic Inertia: An Electrophysiologic Study. Arch. Surg.; 138:1007-1011………… Read More
27Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Ahmed I (2003) Electrophysiologic Identification of the Location of the Colonic Pacemakers in Humans. Further Study. J. Invest. Surg.; 16: 289-297………… Read More
28Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik IA (2003) Colosigmoid junction: A study of its functional activity with identification of a physiologic sphincter and involvement in reflex actions. J. Invest. Surg.; 16:29-34………… Read More
29Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik IA (2003) Colonic pacing in patients with constipation due to colonic inertia. Med. Sci. Monit., 9(5):191-196………… Read More
30Shafik A, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2003) Role of positive anorectal feedback in rectal evacuation: the concept of a second defecation reflex: the anorectal. J. Spinal Cord Med.; 26:380-383………… Read More
31Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik IA (2003) Role of the Sympathetic Innervation in the Defecation Mechanism: A Novel Concept of its Function. J. Spinal Cord Med.; 26(2):150-152………… Read More
32Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Ahmed I (2003) Study of the role of the second defecation reflex: Anorectal excitatory reflex in the pathogenesis of constipation. J. Am. Coll. Surg.; 196:729-734………… Read More
33Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2003) On the pathogenesis of rectocele: the concept of the rectovaginal pressure gradient. Int. Urogynecol. J. Pelvic Floor Dysfunct.; 14:310-315………… Read More
34Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2003) Colonic pacing in the treatment of patients with irritable bowel syndrome: Technique and results. Front Boisci.; 8: b1-5………… Read More
35Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2003) Effect of Straining on Perineal Muscles and Their Role in Perineal Support: Identification of the Straining-Perineal Reflex. J. Surg. Res.; 112:162-167………… Read More
36Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2003) Role of positive urethrovesical feedback in vesical evacuation. The concept of a second micturition reflex: The urethrovesical reflex. World J. Urol.; 21: 167-170.……….. Read More
37Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Ahmed I (2004) Colonic pacing:  A therapeutic option for the treatment of constipation due to total colonic inertia. Arch. Surg.; 139: 775-779………… Read More
38Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2004) Electric activity of the colon in the irritable bowel syndrome: The “tachyarrhythmic” electric pattern. J. Gastroent. Hepato.; 19:205-210………… Read More
39Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Ahmed I (2004) Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with colonic pacing: Evaluation of pacing parameters required for correction of the “tachyarrhythmia” of the IBS. Hepatogastroenterology 51: 1708-1712………… Read More
40Shafik A, Ahmed I, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O (2004) Electric activity of the gut in ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease: Electromyography as a tool for differentiating between the two conditions in the early stage. Med. Sci Monit 10: 572-576………… Read More
41Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2004) ‘Objective’ assessment of rectal sensation: A novel approach. Front. Biosci. 9: 159-163………… Read More
42Shafik A, Ahmed I, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O (2004) Diverticular disease: Electrophysiologic study and a new concept of pathogenesis. World J. Surg.; 28: 411-415………… Read More
43Shafik A, El Sibai O, Ahmed I, Shafik AA (2004) Identification of interstitial cells of Cajal in the human rectum. Front. Biosci.; 9:2848-2851………… Read More
44Shafik A, Mostafa RM, El-Sibai O, Shafik IA (2004) Electromotor activity of the cecum and ascending colon: The concept of “individual pacemakers”. Eur. Surg. Res.; 36: 308-312………… Read More
45Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Ahmed I, Shafik AA (2004) Effect of vesical contraction on the non-sphincteric part of the urethra: Recognition of vesicourethral inhibitory reflex. Int. J. Urol.; 11:213-217………… Read More
46Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2004) Do vesical and voided urine have identical composition? Scand. J. Urol. Nephro.; 38: 243-246………… Read More
47Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2004) The electrovesicogram in the overactive bladder: role in determining pathogenesis and diagnostic significance. Urological Research; 32: 290-293………… Read More
48Shafik A, El Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I, Mostafa RM (2004) Vesical pacing: Pacing parameters required for normalization of vesical electic activity in patients with overactive bladder. Front. Biosci.; 9:995-999………… Read More
49Shafik A, Ahmed I, El Sibai O, Shafik AA, Mostafa RM (2004) Vesical pacing in patients with overactive bladder: Technique and results Int. Urol. Nephrol.; 36: 29-34…………Read More
50Shafik A, El Sibai O, Mostafa MY, Shafik AA, Shafik AI (2004) Identification of the interstitial cells of Cajal in the human urinary bladder: The concept of vesical pacemaker. Urology 64: 809-813………….Read More
51Shafik A, Shafik AA, Asaad S, Wahdan M, Morris M (2004) The corporo-glans ligament: description and functional significance of a ligament connecting the corpora cavernosa to the glans penis. Int. J. Imp. Res 16: 220-223………….Read More
1Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2000) Is myoelectric activity transmittable from one muscle to another? An experimental study. Int. J. Surg. Invest.; 2: 165-170………… Read More
2Shafik A, Shafik AA (2000) Electric activity spreads in the colonic longitudinal but not the circular musculature. Role in colonic motility. Front Bio. Sci.; 5: b5-8………… Read More
3Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2000) Rectal pacing in patients with constipation due to rectal inertia: technique and results. Int. J. Colorectal Dis.; 15: 100-104………… Read More
4Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik A, El-Sibai O (2000) the anocavernosal erectile dysfunction syndrome. II. Anal fissure and erectile dysfunction. Int. J. Impot. Res.; 12:279-283………… Read More
5Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2001) Experimental use of the obturator internus muscle as a functioning pelvic floor muscle in dogs. Eur. J. Surg.; 167:782-788………… Read More
6Shafik A, Shafik AA (2001) The ‘Uninhibited Rectum’: A cause of fecal incontinence. J. Spinal Cord Med.; 24: 159-163………… Read More
7Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2001) Study of the mechanism underlying the difference in motility between the large and small intestine: The ” Single” and ” Multiple” pacemaker theory.  Front Bio. Sci.; 6: b 1-5………… Read More
8Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Mostafa RM, Shafik AA (2001) Electric activity of the rectosigmoid canal and its relation to rectal and sigmoid electric activity: An evidence of a sphincteric function of the rectosigmoid canal. Front Biosci. 6: b 6-9………… Read More
9Shafik A, Wahdan MM, Shafik AA (2001) The ileocaecal valve in man: Anatomical, Radiological and Endoscopic studies with special references to its antireflux mechanism. The Egyptian Anatomical Society; 24(1) :279-304
10Ali YA, Shafik AA (2001) Posterior Rectocele: A Study and Evaluation. Egypt J. Surg.; 20: 437-442
11El Sibai O, Shafik AA. (2002) Cauterization – Plication Operation in the Treatment of Complete Rectal Prolapse, Tech Coloproctol.; 6:51-54………… Read More
12Ali YA, Shafik AA (2002) A Study of Rectal Motility: The Normal Pattern of Rectal Evacuation. Kasr El-Aini J. Surg.; 3:41-48
13Shafik AA (2002) Hernia Formation after Laparoscopic Surgery: Report of 4 Cases. Kasr El-Aini J. Surg.; 3:113-116
14Shafik A, El Sibai O, Shafik AA. (2002) Electrophysiologic identification of the location of the colonic pacemakers. A humane study. Front Biosci.; 7: b1-5………… Read More
15Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2002) A novel method for preventing postoperative adhesions in the rat model. J. Gynecologic Surg.; 18: 65-68………… Read More
16Shafik A, Shafik AA, I Ahmed (2002) Role of longitudinal smooth muscle coat in the ileal motile activity: evidence of ileo-ileal inhibitory reflex. J. Gastroenterol Hepatol.; 17:1267-1271………… Read More
17Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2002) Physiological assessment of the function of the ileocecal junction with evidence of ileocecal junction reflexes. Med. Sci. Monit.; 8:CR629-35………… Read More
18Shafik A, Mostafa RM, ShafikAA, El-Sibai O (2002) Study of the effect of straining on the bulbocavernosus muscle with evidence of a straining-bulbocavernosus reflex and its clinical significance. Int. Urogynecol. J.; 13: 294-298………… Read More
19Shafik A, Mostafa RM, Shafik AA (2002) Electrophysiological study of the rectosigmoid canal: Evidence of a rectosigmoid sphincter. J. Anat.; 200: 517-521………… Read More
20Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA(2002) Electrophysiologic identification of the location  of  the  colonic  pacemakers. A human study. Front. in Boisci.; 7: b1-5………… Read More
21Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik IA (2002) The Motor Efficacy of the Artifical Colonic Pacemaker in Colonic Inertia Patients. Front. in Biosci.; 7: b6-13………… Read More
22Shafik A, Shafik AA, Shafik IA (2003) Effect of Colonic Distension on Ileal Motor Activity with Evidence of Coloileal Reflex. J. Gastrointest. Surg.; 7(5):701-705………… Read More
23Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2003) Study of the effect of jejuno-ileal distension on the motor activity of the stomach with evidence of ‘entero-gastric Inhibitory reflex’. Hepatogastroenterology 50: 1966-1969………… Read More
24Shafik A, Mostafa RM, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2003) Study of the functional activity of the cecocolonic junction with identification of a “Physiologic sphincter”, “cecocolonic inhibitory reflex” and ”colocecal excitatory reflex”. Surg. Radiol. Anat.; 25: 16-20………… Read More
25Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Ali YA (2003) Videodefecography: a study of the rectal motile pattern. Surg. Radiol. Anat.; 25: 139-144………… Read More
26Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Mostafa RM (2003) Electric Activity of the Colon in Subjects with Constipation Due to Total Colonic Inertia: An Electrophysiologic Study. Arch. Surg.; 138:1007-1011………… Read More
27Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Ahmed I (2003) Electrophysiologic Identification of the Location of the Colonic Pacemakers in Humans. Further Study. J. Invest. Surg.; 16: 289-297………… Read More
28Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik IA (2003) Colosigmoid junction: A study of its functional activity with identification of a physiologic sphincter and involvement in reflex actions. J. Invest. Surg.; 16:29-34………… Read More
29Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik IA (2003) Colonic pacing in patients with constipation due to colonic inertia. Med. Sci. Monit., 9(5):191-196………… Read More
30Shafik A, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2003) Role of positive anorectal feedback in rectal evacuation: the concept of a second defecation reflex: the anorectal. J. Spinal Cord Med.; 26:380-383………… Read More
31Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik IA (2003) Role of the Sympathetic Innervation in the Defecation Mechanism: A Novel Concept of its Function. J. Spinal Cord Med.; 26(2):150-152………… Read More
32Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Ahmed I (2003) Study of the role of the second defecation reflex: Anorectal excitatory reflex in the pathogenesis of constipation. J. Am. Coll. Surg.; 196:729-734………… Read More
33Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2003) On the pathogenesis of rectocele: the concept of the rectovaginal pressure gradient. Int. Urogynecol. J. Pelvic Floor Dysfunct.; 14:310-315………… Read More
34Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2003) Colonic pacing in the treatment of patients with irritable bowel syndrome: Technique and results. Front Boisci.; 8: b1-5………… Read More
35Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2003) Effect of Straining on Perineal Muscles and Their Role in Perineal Support: Identification of the Straining-Perineal Reflex. J. Surg. Res.; 112:162-167………… Read More
36Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2003) Role of positive urethrovesical feedback in vesical evacuation. The concept of a second micturition reflex: The urethrovesical reflex. World J. Urol.; 21: 167-170.……….. Read More
37Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Ahmed I (2004) Colonic pacing:  A therapeutic option for the treatment of constipation due to total colonic inertia. Arch. Surg.; 139: 775-779………… Read More
38Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2004) Electric activity of the colon in the irritable bowel syndrome: The “tachyarrhythmic” electric pattern. J. Gastroent. Hepato.; 19:205-210………… Read More
39Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Ahmed I (2004) Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with colonic pacing: Evaluation of pacing parameters required for correction of the “tachyarrhythmia” of the IBS. Hepatogastroenterology 51: 1708-1712………… Read More
40Shafik A, Ahmed I, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O (2004) Electric activity of the gut in ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease: Electromyography as a tool for differentiating between the two conditions in the early stage. Med. Sci Monit 10: 572-576………… Read More
41Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2004) ‘Objective’ assessment of rectal sensation: A novel approach. Front. Biosci. 9: 159-163………… Read More
42Shafik A, Ahmed I, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O (2004) Diverticular disease: Electrophysiologic study and a new concept of pathogenesis. World J. Surg.; 28: 411-415………… Read More
43Shafik A, El Sibai O, Ahmed I, Shafik AA (2004) Identification of interstitial cells of Cajal in the human rectum. Front. Biosci.; 9:2848-2851………… Read More
44Shafik A, Mostafa RM, El-Sibai O, Shafik IA (2004) Electromotor activity of the cecum and ascending colon: The concept of “individual pacemakers”. Eur. Surg. Res.; 36: 308-312………… Read More
45Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Ahmed I, Shafik AA (2004) Effect of vesical contraction on the non-sphincteric part of the urethra: Recognition of vesicourethral inhibitory reflex. Int. J. Urol.; 11:213-217………… Read More
46Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2004) Do vesical and voided urine have identical composition? Scand. J. Urol. Nephro.; 38: 243-246………… Read More
47Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I (2004) The electrovesicogram in the overactive bladder: role in determining pathogenesis and diagnostic significance. Urological Research; 32: 290-293………… Read More
48Shafik A, El Sibai O, Shafik AA, Ahmed I, Mostafa RM (2004) Vesical pacing: Pacing parameters required for normalization of vesical electic activity in patients with overactive bladder. Front. Biosci.; 9:995-999………… Read More
49Shafik A, Ahmed I, El Sibai O, Shafik AA, Mostafa RM (2004) Vesical pacing in patients with overactive bladder: Technique and results Int. Urol. Nephrol.; 36: 29-34…………Read More
50Shafik A, El Sibai O, Mostafa MY, Shafik AA, Shafik AI (2004) Identification of the interstitial cells of Cajal in the human urinary bladder: The concept of vesical pacemaker. Urology 64: 809-813………….Read More
51Shafik A, Shafik AA, Asaad S, Wahdan M, Morris M (2004) The corporo-glans ligament: description and functional significance of a ligament connecting the corpora cavernosa to the glans penis. Int. J. Imp. Res 16: 220-223………….Read More
52Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2004) Overactive corpus cavernosum: Another cause of erectile dysfunction. Andrologia; 36:378-383………….Read More
53Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik AI (2004) Electrocavernosogram in erectile dysfunction: A diagnostic tool. Arch. Androl.; 50: 317-325………….Read More
54Shafik A, Shafik Ali A, El-Sibai O, Mostafa RM (2004) The effect of straining on the diaphragmatic crura with identification of the straining-crural reflex. The “reflex theory” in gastroesophageal competence: A new concept. BMC Gastroenterology 4: 24-28………….Read More
55Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Mostafa RM, Shafik I (2004) Effect of Straining on the Lower Esophageal Sphincter: Identification of the “Straining-Esophageal Reflex” and Its Role in Gastroesophageal Competence Mechanism. J. Inevt. Surg.; 17:191-196………….Read More
56Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2004) Electroesophagogram in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease with a new Theory on the Pathogenesis of its Electric Changes. BMC Surgery 4: 1-8………….Read More
57Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Ahmed I, Shafik AA (2005) Perineal Rectocele: Perinocele A cause of constipation. Pathogeneses, clinical presentation and treatment. J Pelvic Med & Surg 11: 199-207
58Shafik A, Ahmed I, Shafik AA, El-Ghamrawy TA. El-Sibai O (2005) Surgical anatomy of the perineal muscles and their role in perineal disorders. Anat. Sci. Int. 80: 167-171………….Read More
59Shafik A, Ahmed I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Mostafa R (2005) Study of the rectal electric activity of the uninhibited rectal detrusor (overactive rectum): a new concept of pathogenesis. J. Spinal Cord Med.; 28: 64-68………….Read More
60Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2005) Identification of the location of the colonic pacemaker: a histologic study. Front. Biosci.; 10: 1661-1665………….Read More
61Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2005) Effect of warming on the rectal motile activity: identification of rectal warming reflex. J. Surg. Res.; 130: 34-37………….Read More
62Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2005) Transcutaneous electrocavernosography: a tool for recording the electromyographic activity of the corpora cavernosa. J. Urol., 174:629-631………….Read More
63Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Mostafa R (2005) Effect of Topical Esophageal Acidification on Salivary Secretion: Identification of the mechanism of action. J. Gastro. Hepato., 20: 1935-1939………….Read More
64Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik I (2005) Interstitial cells of Cajal in reflux esophagitis: role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Med. Sci. Monit.; 11: 452-456………….Read More
65Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2005) Physioanatomic study of the diaphragmatic crura: the identification of autonomous “gastroesophageal sphincter”. J. Invest. Surg.; 18:135-142………….Read More
66Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2005) On the Pathogenesis of Gastroesophageal Reflux: The Concept of “gastroesophageal dyssynergia “. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg.; 130:401-407………….Read More
67Shafik A, Shafik AA, Shafik I, El-Sibai O (2005) Urethral sphincters response to cavernosus muscles stimulation with identification of cavernoso-urethral reflex. Arch. Androl.; 51: 335-343………….Read More
68Shafik A, Shafik AA, Shafik I, El-Sibai O (2005) Conjoint corpora cavernosa and its role in erection. Arch. Androl.; 51: 425-430………….Read More
69Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2005) Electric waves recorded from the testicle: are they capsular or from the testicular tissue? Int J Androl 28: 350-354………….Read More
70Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2005) Tunica albuginea overlapping: A novel technique for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Andrologia 37:180-184………….Read More
71Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O (2005) Electric activity of the testicular tunica albuginea during ejaculation: an canine study. Exp. Biol. Med.; 230(8):569-572………….Read More
72Shafik A, Shafik AI, El Sibai O, Shafik AA (2005) Effect of micturition on the external anal sphincter. Identification of the urethra-anal reflex. J. Spinal. Cord. Med.; 28: 421-425………….Read More
73Shafik A, Shafik AI, El Sibai O, Shafik AA (2005) Changes in the urine composition during its passage through the ureter. A concept of urothelial function. Urol. Res.; 33: 426-428………….Read More
74Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Demonstration of a physiologic sphincter at duodeno-jejunal junction. Front. Biosci.; 11:2790-2794………….Read More
75Shafik A, Shafik AI, El Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Does the composition of voided urine reflect that of the renal pelvis? Urol. Res.; 34: 261-264………….Read More
76Shafik A, Shafik AI, El Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Role of the perineal muscles in micturition. Identification of the vesico–perineal reflex. J Pelvic Med Surg 12: 19-24
77Shafik A, Shafik AA, Shafik I, El-Sibai O (2006) The hypoactive corpora cavernosa with degenerative erectile dysfunction: a new syndrome. BMC Urol.; 6:13-20………….Read More
78Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik A (2006) Vaginal and uterine pressure response to semen deposition into the vagina and uterus: human study. Clin. Exp. Obstet. Gynecol.; 33: 107-109………….Read More
79Shafik A, Shafik AI, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Interstitial cells of Cajal in erectile dysfunction. Arch Androl 52: 255-262………….Read More
80Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Effect of external anal sphincter contraction on the ischiocavernosus muscleand its suggested role in the sexual act. J Androl 27:40-44………….Read More
81Shafik A, Shafik I, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O (2006) The cavernoso–anal reflex: response of the anal sphincters to cavernosus muscles’ stimulation. Aian J. Androl. 8: 331-336………….Read More
82Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2006) Role of tunica albuginea in erection: is it a dynamic or static role? Arch Androl 52: 81-86………….Read More
83Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2006) Contractile activity of the prostate at ejaculation : an electrophysiologic study. Urology 67:793-796
84Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Study of the cremasteric muscle during erection: identification of the ‘peno-cremasteric reflex’. Surg. Radiol. Anat.; 28: 569-572………….Read More
85Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Straining-cremasteric reflex: identification of a new reflex and its role during increased intra-abdominal pressure. Surg. Radiol. Anat.; 28: 387-390………….Read More
87Shafik A. El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2006) Corpora cavernosa as an alternative route for transfusion. Front. Biosci.; 11: 2535-2537………….Read More
88Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2006) Cavernosus muscles contraction during erection: Is it voluntary or reflex, given the striated nature of the muscles? J. Androl. 27: 695-706………….Read More
89Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2006) Molecular Andrology as related to Sperm DND fragmentation and sperm chromatin Biotechechnology. Arch Androl 52: 299-310………….Read More
90Shafik A, Shafik AA, El Sibai O, Ahmed I, Mostafa RM (2006) Role of the Rectosigmoidal junction in fecal continence: Concept of the primary continent mechanism. Arch. Surg.; 141:23-26………….Read More
91Shafik A, Mostafa RM, Shafik I, El Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) The Functional activity of the rectum: A conduit organ, a storage organ, or both? World. J. Gastroenterol.; 12: 4549-4552………….Read More
92Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2006) Interstitial Cell of Cajal in Patients with Constipation due to Total Colonic Inertia. J Invest Surg 19: 147-153
93Shafik A, Shafik AA, Ahmed I, El-Sibai O (2006) Study of the role of the transverse perineal muscleus during rectal filling. Int. J. Colorectal. Dis.; 21: 698-704………….Read More
94Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Detection of predefecatory rectosigmoid wave activity for prevention of fecal soiling in infants. Front. Biosience.; 11: 3096-3099………….Read More
95Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) Effect of straining on the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. identification of the ‘straining-abdominal wall reflex’. Front. Biosci. 11: 2174-2178………….Read More
96Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2006) The ‘‘Opening Time’’ and ‘‘Pelvic Floor Electromyographic Lag Time’’: Two Novel Tools in the Assessment of the Anorectal Evacuation Time. J. Invest. Surg,;19: 307-311………….Read More
97Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2007) Effect of Cooling On the Rectal Tone. Eur. Surg. Res.; 39: 291-295………….Read More
98Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2007) Rectal cooling test in the differentiation between constipation due to rectal inertia and anismus. Tech. Coloproctol. 11: 39-43………….Read More
99Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Ahmed I, Shafik AA (2007) Role of sacral ligament clamp in the pudendal neuropathy (pudendal canal syndrome): Results of clamp release. Int. Surg.; 92: 54-59………….Read More
100Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2007) Stress, urge and mixed types of partial fecal incontinence: pathogenesis, clinical presentation, and treatment. Am. Surg.; 73: 6-9………….Read More
101Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik I, Shafik AA (2007) Electromyographic lag time and opening time: two novel non-invosive method to investigate patients with anal outlet obstruction and their response to treatment. J. Invest. Surg.; 20: 307-311………….Read More
102Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) Electromyographic activity of the anterolateral abdominal wall muscles during rectal filling and evacuation. J. Surg. Res.; 143: 364-367………….Read More
103Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) Study of the duodenal contractile activity during antral contractions. World J Gastro 13: 2600-2603………….Read More
104Shafik A, Shafik AA, Wahdan M, El-Sibai O (2007) Duodeno-jejunal junction: a histoanatomical study with the concept of the existence of an ‘anatomical’ sphincter. Surg. Radiol. Anat.; 29: 661-665………….Read More
105Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik AI (2007) The effect of gastric overfilling on the pharyngo-esophageal and lower esophageal sphincter: A possible factor in restricting food intake. Med. Sci. Mont.; 13: 220-224………….Read More
106Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik I (2007) Contraction of Gluteal maximus muscle on increase of the intra-abdominal pressure: role in the fecal continence mechanism Surg. Innov.;14: 270-274………….Read More
107Shafik A, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik I (2007) Mechanism of gastric emptying through the pyloric sphincter: A human study. Med. Sci. Monit., 13:24-29………….Read More
108Shafik A, El Sibai O, Shafik AI, Shafik AA (2007) Electromyographic activity of the anterolateral abdominal wall muscles during the vesical filling and evacuation. J. Res. Med. Sci.; 12: 74-79………….Read More
109Shafik A, Shafik AI, El Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) Effect of urethral stimulation on vesical contractile activity. Am. J. Med. Sci.; 334: 240-243………….Read More
110Shafik A, Shafik AA, Shafik AI, El Sibai O (2007) Effect of rectal distension on vesical motor activity in humans: the identification of the recto-vesicourethral reflex. J. Spin. Cord. Med. 30: 36-39………….Read More
111Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) Interstitial Cells of Cajal in Tunica Albuginea of the Testicles. Andrology Upadte 1: 9-15
112Shafik A, Mostafa R, Shafik AA, Shafik AI, El-Sibai O (2007) Study of interstitial cells in the penis: Human study. J. Sex Med.; 4: 66-71………….Read More
113Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2007) On the pathogenesis of penile venous leakage: role of the tunica albuginea. BMC Urol.; 7:14…………Read More
114Shafik A, Shafik AI, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) Electrophysiologic activity of the tunica albuginea and corpora cavernosa: possible role of tunica albuginea in the erectile mechanism. J. Sex Med.; 4: 675-679………….Read More
115Shafik A, Shafik IA, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) The effect of external urethral sphincter contraction on the cavernosus muscles and its role in the sexual act. Int. Urol. Nephrol.; 39: 541-546………….Read More
116Shafik A, Shafik AA, Shafik I, El-Sibai O (2007) Physiologic considerations of the morphologic changes of the testicles during erection and ejaculation: A canine study. Urol. Int.;79: 262-266………….Read More
117Shafik A, Shafik IA, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) Electromyographic study of the anterolateral abdominal wall muscles during ejaculation. J. Sex Med.; 1022-1027………….Read More
118Shafik A, Shafik IA, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2007) Physioanatomical relationship of the external anal sphincter to the bulbocavernosus muscle in the female. Int. Urogynecol. J.; 18: 851-856………….Read More
119Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2007) Electromyographic study of ejaculatory mechanism. Int. J. Androloy; 32(3):212-217………….Read More
120Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2007) Obesity in men: Endocrinology, Spermatogenesis, Infertility and Heredity. Arch Androl Androl Update 1: 18-26
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122Shafik A, El-Sibai O, ShafikAA. Shafik AI (2007) A novel concept for the surgical anatomy of the perineal body. Dis. Colon Rectum; 50: 2120-2125………….Read More
123Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2008) Inguinal canal dilatation: a novel technique for the repair of failed testicular descend despite hormonal treatment. Am Surg 74: 69-72………….Read More
124Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2008) A study of the effect of straining on the cavernosus muscles: identification of ‘straining –cavernosus reflex’ and its clinical significance. Andrologia 40: 23-28………….Read More
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126Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik I (2008) Study of the response of the penile corporal tissue and cavernosus muscles to micturition. BMC Urol 8: 4-9………….Read More
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129Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2008) Role of pudendal canal syndrome in the pathogenesis of interstitial cystitis and its treatment by pudendal canal decompression. Current Urology 2: 24-29………….Read More
130Shafik AA, Asaad S, Loka MM, Wahdan M, Shafik A (2009) Colosigmoid junction: Morphologic, morphometric and endoscopic study. Clinal Anatomy 22: 243-249………….Read More
131Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2009) Interstitial Cells of Cajal in Tunica Albuginea of the Testicles. Andrology (Book) 215-220
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133Shafik A, Shafik I, El-Sibai O, Shafik AA (2009) An Electrophysiologic Study Of Female Ejaculation. J Sex Marital Therapy 35:337-346………….Read More
134Shafik A, Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik IA (2010) Corpora Cavernosa Histological Changes in Testosterone Deficiency. Current Urology 4: 57-61………….Read More
135Shafik AA, Shafik A, Soheir A, Mohamed W (2010) A Study of an Anatomic –Physiological Cecocolonic Sphincter in Humans. Clin. Anat. 23:851-861………….Read More
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137Shafik A, Shafik AA, Ismail A.Ahmed, Wahdan M, Asaad S, El-Neizamy E (2011): Ileocecal junction: Anatomic, histologic, radiologic and endoscopic studies with special reference to its antireflux mechanism. Surg Radiol Anat. 33:249-256………….Read More
138El-Sibai O, Shafik AA, Shafik I (2011): TUNICA ALBUGINEA REEFING: A novel technique for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. J Invest Surg. 24: 44-48………….Read More
139Shafik AA (2013) Autologous Neosphincters and Novel Technologies for Fecal Continence. In: Andrew PZ., Robert DM., Steven DW. (eds.). Reconstructive Surgery of the Rectum, Anus and Perineum. Springer London Heidelberg New York, pp. 373-377………….Read More
140Shafik AA, Shafik I, El-Sibai O (2014): On the Etiology of the Electric Activity of the External Anal and Urethral Sphincters. J Invest Surg. 27:1–6………….Read More
141Shafik AA, Shafik I, El-Sibai O (2014): Combined Partial Fistulectomy and Electro-Cauterization of the Inter sphincteric Tract As A Sphincter-Sparing Treatment of Complex Anal Fistula: Clinical and Functional Outcome. Tech Coloproctology; 18(11):1105-1111………….Read More
142Shafik AA, El-Sibai O, Shafik IA (2016): Rectocele repair with stapled transvaginal rectal resection. Tech Coloproctol 2016; 20:207–214………….Read More
143Shafik AA, et al., (2020) International consensus on natural orifice specimen extraction surgery (NOSES) for gastric cancer (2019). Gastroenterol Rep (Oxf), 24: 5-10………….Read More
144Shafik AA, 2020, Pudendal Neuropathy and Pudendal Canal Decompression. In: Lucia Olivira (ed.). Anorectal Physiology: A clinical and Surgical Perspective. Springer Nature Switzerland, pp 369 – 392. …………Read More

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الأستاذ الدكتور/ علي أحمد شفيق

* أستاذ ورئيس قسم جراحة القولون والشرج – كلية طب قصر العينى.
* دبلوم جراحة المناظير جامعة ستراسبرج.
* رئيس جمعية البحر المتوسط للقولون و الشرج .
* الرئيس الاقليمى للجمعية الدوليه لاساتذة القولون و الشرج.



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الأستاذ الدكتور/ علي أحمد شفيق

* أستاذ ورئيس قسم جراحة القولون والشرج – كلية طب قصر العينى.
* دبلوم جراحة المناظير جامعة ستراسبرج.
* رئيس جمعية البحر المتوسط للقولون و الشرج .
* الرئيس الاقليمى للجمعية الدوليه لاساتذة القولون و الشرج.

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